Second Post

Due to poplar (sic) demand, herein lies my second post.

Just fyi, in case you have happened to stumble upon my ever-so-informative and -entertaining blog, here's a bit about myself:

I'm the father of a lovely (almost) 2-year-old boy, and as soon as I introduce my digital camera to broadband, you'll see just how cute he is. I'm also husband to an even more lovely Holly, and you'll probably see how cute she is when the aforementioned introduction takes place.

I work for Starbucks and a restaurant here in MI (the Clarkston Cafe.) I've been in the foodservice biz (off-and-on, more on than off) for the past 11 years.

I have a very limited group of friends whom I never see, since I work so much. :) (plus, a good portion of them live out-of-state|country)

mmmm.... er, ah, em....
Marty, (since you seem to be the only reader,) anything else they should know?
I'll catch y'all later, then.


First Post

Hey it's my first post at Blogger!